Pre-operative instructions Cosmetic Surgery


Cosmetic Surgery

1. Do not take drugs such as aspirin or any other drug that increases bleeding 2
weeks before your surgery. Also avoid Fish Oil, Gingko and Ginseng. All of these
products can be resumed after surgery.
2. Do not eat or drink anything 6 hours before surgery if you are having IV sedation.
3. Please take all of your other routine medications before surgery but please just
have small sips of water to swallow them.
4. Please do not wear moisturizers, makeup, lipstick, eyeliner, hair spray or nail
polish from the neck up.
5. Remove all jewelry before surgery and leave at home.
6. Wear comfortable clothing such as sweats and a t-shirt and avoid wearing pull
over tops.
7. You will need someone to take you home after surgery and stay with you at
home after surgery
8. Remind Dr. Morrissette and staff of any other special needs or conditions.

Tips for a Healthy Recovery

The recovery period after surgery will vary from one person to the next. This also depends on
the type of procedure you are having done and if you are having multiple procedures at the
same time. Here are some helpful hints to follow:
1. Ice or cold compresses can be used for the first 72 hours.
2. Plan your recovery time smartly. Depending upon the surgery, recovery time could range
from a few days to a few weeks. Keep this in mind as it affects your job, family and
social schedule.
3. Please be realistic about your expectations. You will look worse before you look better.
Most cosmetic procedures involve bruising and swelling. Your real results will reveal
themselves after this subsides.
4. Follow your doctor’s guidelines. Whether it’s taking the prescribed medication or when to
resume normal activities, your doctor can provide the best advice for a safe and healthy
5. Rehydrate your body often. Surgery of any kind can reduce fluids in your body. Drinking
water frequently will help you replenish these lost body fluids.
6. If you’ve had surgery on your head or neck, please try to sleep with it elevated for the
first couple of days. This will help to reduce your swelling.
7. After surgery, you may have open wounds and it is important not to expose these to
sources of infection. Please do not hug or sleep with your pets, sit in hot tubs or
swimming pools or otherwise expose yourself to germs. Things that normally would not
make you sick can infect you until your wounds have healed.


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